Tuesday 21 May 2013

Reviews'day Tues'day!

See what I did there?! lol  
Silly huh?  
Yes but so easily pleased! lol

I don't just mean reviewing things that people have sent to me, I am on about things I would recommend you cant live without... things that I have personally found and tried and want to keep documented!  

Cooking department, going green and eco (I am on an eco drive right now and I have a list of things im going to make - kitchen composter, own washing liquid etc..),  household helpers, restaurants, food, bloggers, websites and so much more....I'm going to be trying it all and posting it here! 

Today I am going to write about a little gem I found on the net.  

If anyone has a copy of this book i could borrow it would be very much appreciated - see, I'm not even going to buy it....frugal or what!! ;)

Everyone knows times are hard.....everyone is in the same situation, so hopefully even one tip from the list might help :)

I already do a lot of them (5, 8, 11, 22....) and some of them don't apply (23, 25, 29....) but I have made a little list of the ones that jumped out at me...

21, 27, 43, 44, 45...

I am going to keep a record of when I do each one and have it down to a fine art - that belt needs tightening further!

Whats on your list??


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